More than 80% of the world’s total energy consumption still comes from fossil fuels. The resulting pollution is harmful to our planet.
We want to change that. And our vision is clear: Let’s create a world that runs entirely on green energy.
Keeping down global temperature rise
Since the Paris Agreement came into force in 2016, the international community has found common ground in its efforts to keep the global temperature rise below 1.5°C.
From fossil fuels to renewables
Despite the progress, we believe that more can be done to reduce the consequences of climate change. More than a third of the global carbon emissions stem from energy generation.
This huge figure made us do a complete rethink of our business strategy back in 2008, and that’s when we embarked on our journey of transforming from a fossil-fuelled to a renewables energy company. We increased our investments in offshore wind farms and started to convert our power stations from firing coal to using sustainable biomass as fuel. In 2017, we took the final step and divested our oil and gas business.
Global position in offshore wind
Our business counts three entities: Offshore, Onshore and Markets & Bioenergy.
We’re the world leader in offshore wind. This means that we now supply green power for more than 15 million people. Our ambition is to increase this figure to 30 million by 2025.